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You will always feel cosy in Monika Centrum Hotels in Riga irrespective of the size of the apartment. The building of the hotel was initially built as a residential building and so it was used for approximately a century. We have taken it into account by maintaining the planning of the building while setting up the hotel. On the one hand, the feeling of privacy and cosiness has been ensured, and on the other hand, pleasant individuality has been created, since the shape or placement of rooms in each apartment differ.

Nearest surroundings

Monika Centrum Hotels in Riga windows overlook both, the shadowy Kronvalda Park, the lively Elizabetes street, Strēlnieku and Pulkveža Brieža Streets and the hotel inner courtyard. You can access the ambience of the street-side views by stepping out on a small balcony decorated with hammered work (in some apartments). Monika Centrum Hotels in Riga rooms are decorated in classic and reserved style leaving room for your individuality.

The tapestry on the walls picturing the views from the old towns of the capital cities of Baltic States is the uniting element of all rooms of CENTRUM HOTELS but the works of art from the private collection of the hotel owners are displayed in the public premises.


The price for an apartment includes buffet breakfast, taxes and servicing.

You can always check rooms’ availability and prices by using reservation form above.


Every room has

Free wireless Internet (WiFi)


Air conditioning


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Fixed telephone line

Bathroom with hairdryer and cosmetics mirror

Cable TV

Bolts and electronic key

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